Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in signing up but you’ve got some questions. We’re here to answer all your queries.


Where will the writing retreat be held?

At the lovely Pauma Valley Country Club. It is located north east of San Diego near Temecula. It is a private country club inside the gates of Pauma Valley Country Club Estates. Entry will only be granted if you are a member, resident, guest of a member, or a registered writer attending this event. The address is: 15835 Pauma Valley Drive, Pauma Valley, CA  92061.

When will the writing retreat be held?

The Writing Retreat will begin with Registration on Thursday, October 10, 2024, starting at 10:00 am and ending with the Closing Remarks at 1:30 pm on Saturday, October 12, 2024.

What type of writers will be there?

We won’t know that until you tell us! After you register, we will be sending you a few questions about your writing journey so we can be better prepared when you arrive.

Why can’t I just write at home?

Of course, you can and it’s wonderful for you to write at home. Everyday. However, there’s magic in getting away from distractions, cooking, cleaning, laundry, children, work, and the list goes on and on. Letting go of the daily grind, allowing yourself to be pampered, to connect with writers of all levels and ages is the ultimate experience and gift! You are worth it.

How do I know if this is the right writing retreat for me?

  • If you are a beginning writer and want to explore what writing is all about . . . Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for you.  

  • If you need inspiration to write because you have no idea where to begin and have never written anything personal before . . . Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for you.

  • If you have been looking for a writing community for support and connection . . . Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for you.

  • If you are a seasoned writer in the middle of a work in progress and are feeling stuck . . . Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for you.

  • If you need help in a specific area and are looking for someone to help you one-on-one . . . Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for you.

Who will care about my writing?

This is a difficult question to answer, but we can promise you that someone will be grateful for your written words. It might be a spouse, a distant relative, a grandchild, a sibling, or even a stranger who will appreciate your efforts. It might be days or decades after you’ve passed, but that's okay.

And the most important person who will care about your writing is YOU. You will care because once you settle in and fill the pages with your heart and soul, you will have given yourself a gift that no one else could ever give you.

What would I write about?

If you’re still living and breathing, there is always something to write about. You can write about your true passions in life––what it means to you and why. Golf? Art? Music? Writing? Grandchildren? Travel? Cooking? Gardening? Career? Pets? Spirituality/Religion/Faith? And a thousand other things.

Maybe you’ve been told, “you should write a book” or even have said these words to yourself. Maybe you should get started writing that novel, memoir, or family legacy that’s been floating around in your head. We’re here to help you get started!

Perhaps, you just want, or need, to write for yourself––to heal, to clarify things in your monkey mind. This is the most important part of writing. Your journal writing is your goldmine.

Will I have to share something I’ve written?

There will be no pressure to share. However, you might surprise yourself and want to share after hearing other writers share. There is great value in reading your words aloud to a supportive group. It’s a different way to learn and can make you a better writer.

Sharing is very popular amongst writers. Again, this is why writers need each other, so there will be time limitations, giving everyone an equal chance.

If you want constructive feedback, we can provide that for you as well. Our team is excellent at giving gentle and helpful feedback.

What if I am not good at grammar or spelling?

This is not an English or grammar Retreat. This is a special time for you to be pampered, to be fully supported, to be inspired, to be reflective and connect with the writing community.

I’m not a writer. Why should I attend a writing retreat?

Many people don’t feel like they are a writer, but the truth is that everyone is a writer in one way or another. This Pauma Valley Writing Retreat is for everyone! Beginning writers are our favorite writers. Seasoned and published writers are our favorite writers. Our goal is to meet you, individually and collectively, wherever you are in your writing journey. Our goal is to exceed your expectations–in every way, from the moment you drive through the Front Gate until we say, “See you next time.

Where can I stay?

If you need a place to stay, we have cottages available for rent, reserved for writing retreat participants only. Please go to the stay page to see the current availability and pricing. If needed, we have other options. If you live within the gates of Pauma Valley, you'll certainly want to stay in your own home and we encourage that to allow more accommodation for the other participants.

Want to stay a day later or come a day earlier? Please contact us!

What is the cost of the retreat and what is included?

The cost of the Writing Retreat at Pauma Valley Country Club is $ 1,195.00. This includes all meals, learning sessions, a champagne toast reception, swimming, tennis, everything you need to have a wonderful exciting relaxing retreat except a place to stay.  Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase from the bar. The Pauma Valley Country Club golf course will be closed during the writing retreat for over seeding during this time of the year.

I’m on a budget? How can I make this more affordable?

You can also bring a writing buddy or partner and share the cost of a cottage. Make sure it’s someone who knows when it’s time to quit talking and get down to writing. If you don’t have someone in mind, contact us and we could potentially pair you with another writer to share accommodation.

How do I prepare for the writing retreat?

If you have an idea of what you might like to write about, jot your ideas down and bring them with you. This doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind once you get here. It’s perfectly normal and happens all the time to writers. If you have no idea of what you might want to write, don’t worry! Our team members are experts at guiding writers to many possibilities.

You can also bring something that you’ve written in the past—something you want to read aloud and get some professional feedback on. A poem? A short story? Part of your book?

If you plan on getting some exercise, we have a fully equipped gym, heated swimming pool, and quiet streets for walking, so bring appropriate clothing.

Remove distractions, phone calls, social media, and don’t feel any pressure to attend breakout sessions if you are seriously writing. This is your retreat.

Bring what makes you comfortable to write such photos, pillows, laptop, comfortable clothing, etc.

Most importantly, silence your inner critic—editing is for later.

Be prepared to connect, be inspired, and have fun.

Got it! I’m ready to sign up.